Wednesday, March 10, 2010

time flies.

I stumbled across this photo in my "random things I like" file. It was taken 4+ years ago by a great photographer, John Rizzo. Every time I look at this picture, my eyes well up. Finn is going to be 5 in June and I still think of him as that little baby falling asleep on my belly the first night he was born.  He's quite the little artist and has a specialty: Transformers, Ironman, and Spiderman.


  1. oh so so sweeeeeet!!! It sure flies...I know when I think Cole is turning 4 this year...I am in shock....this photo is so beautiful!!! and just perfect!!!

  2. awwwww! pure happiness...what sweet smiles on both of you!

  3. Hooray! So glad you posted a photo... and it's jaw dropping amazing! Love, love, love the smiles.

  4. Such a beautiful photo!!!
