Saturday, July 10, 2010

Illustration Friday: DIARY

I've always kept journals/diaries. I remember one journal being completely dedicated to the notion that I should be the next "Annie" with all the lyrics to every song carefully written out- with special emphasis on "Maybe". Ahhh... a tortured (ahem... dramatic) soul even at the age of 9.


  1. Hi Lisa....not sure if my last comment took. Ugh. Good morning! I love your idea for diary on IF this week. I am thinking about joining myself for the first time, but might wait a little longer as I am just kicking off my blog that will focus strictly on my art. (This is Sophia, btw(). :)

    Hey...would you come join me at my new blog? I would love you to as you are one of several artists that truly inspire me to keep pressing forward in my art. I really mean that. Hugs!!

    Happy Saturday!! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is really nice, I love the images swirling off the page!

  4. HWhat a lovely illustration, and a great memory of your visions to become the next Annie! All of the details make this piece so charming!

  5. I love this Lisa!!! wonderful work!!!

  6. The sun will come out tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there'll be sun.
    From one tortured soul to another.... very cute!
