Monday, July 5, 2010

Illustration Friday: GIANT

Yup. At a party--- found out too late that my dress was tucked in to my underwear. GIANT MORON. This situation could have been much worse. Luckily, I just made a bunch of people laugh. Good times. Good times.


  1. hAAAA! sorry to laugh at your misfortune but it's so least the undies are cute! and the illo is great.

  2. Hahahaha same thing happened to me once. Sure makes us be a bit more "humble". hahaha. but at least your panties fits the Cosmo you are holding. ;-) Hilarious story, superb illo.

  3. i love the little stories you do for IF! Very Clever! Your new blog design looks great too!

  4. haaaa I wouldn't like to be in that story... It could be really awkward... have a nice evening

  5. I love the new blog header, Lisa!!

    Oh, I know you aren't the only one this happened to. My Mom used to walk around with the toilet seat cover hanging out of her pants after using the public restroom! You have such a wonderful sense of humor, I just love it!

  6. hehehe! The dreaded skirt in underpants!!!
    Nice one Lisa!
