Thursday, March 18, 2010

Another Entry

I can't stop thinking about this blog- They Draw and Cook. Its really helped me "get my groove on" so to speak. I've made this recipe a thousand times, and still laugh at the name. I don't know if they'll accept this particular entry, since I have once posted already- but it was still fun to do, if anything as a practice run for styles, colors, and techniques. I set my own deadline and got it all down in less than 3 hours.


  1. Very cool! And three hours-- WOW!

  2. of course we will post it!!! are you kidding? it's great. and we like lots of entries by the same limit!

  3. This is fab Lisa! Can't believe you got it done in less than three hours! I plan to work on an entry soon - just gotta decide which recipe! It is a very awesome blog - thanks for sharing :)

  4. I've really enjoyed your recipe entries!
